Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Retooling time for this blog thing

It's Confession Time here at Bring D.A. Noise:

I've been bored...bored to DEATH with life. Life has this funny way of playing mental tricks on you when you least expect it, almost rendering you to the point of numbness. This past winter, just like past winters, signs of vitality in my soul are slim to non-existent. I wonder why I get into these unshakeable funks, which lead me to bouts of isolationist thinking. I've been anti-social of late, choosing instead to plug the headphones into the iPod and keep to myself. It's blatantly obvious that I have not blogged in over two months. Recently, though, I've been missing this blog so thought that I'd get back to business. As my co-worker/blogging friend, The Kern, can attest to, I've recently expressed several ideas for things to write about. However, they never ended up seeing the light of day.

What's my problem, anyway? Is it the lack of inspired writing? Lack of confidence in my writing abilities? Lack of focus? Fear of rejection of my writing? Well, ultimately, I chock it up to utter laziness. However, I want to change that. With change in mind, the plan is for the Bring D.A. Noise blog to retooled and revamped. For the time being, I will continue to blog using this Blogspot addy, but, will eventually return to WordPress. I'm also thinking of renaming my blog as well. The name of choice at the moment is "Spunk Action." At this point, don't ask me what inspired this name choice because I'm not going to tell you. *wink wink*

What's been missing from my blog is a sense of focus. When I first started blogging (with LiveJournal), I never clearly defined the main objectives of why I blogged in the first place. A specific purpose wasn't set in stone. My writing was based on whatever I felt like writing at the time a particular post came into being. How can I make my blog an unique experience for myself and its readers? I did, however, tell myself that I wanted to veer away from what other gay bloggers were writing. I didn't want to write about crushes on high school jocks or experiences with drugs and sex. That's boring to me.

With that in mind, I came up with the idea for the current incarnation of my blog, Bring D.A. Noise. With this idea, I wanted to document my experiences with discovering and delving into non-traditional, unconventional, and experimental music. At the time, I thought "What a perfect idea for a blog!", particularly since I am such a big music fan. Writing about music most other people don't know or understand is a great blog idea that stands out from other "queer" blogs. However, when I did write about music, the writing was bland and uninspired. That bland style of writing resulted in the deterioration of confidence in my writing ability. Then, I got bored and lost interest in writing. Also, struggles with depression didn't help matters.

As recent as a few days ago, I sat down and put some thought into what kind of a blog I'd like to write. My desire for a clearer definition of my intentions for blogging was long overdue. As I thought about this, my earlier idea of writing about my exploration into experimental music creeped back into my consciousness. After further thought, there were other things that I wanted to write about. In the end, I came up with three main objectives that I'd like to accomplish for this blog.

1. What I'd like to call "The Usual Suspects": The usual rants, raves, observations, anecdotes, revelations, moments of self-realization, and random acts of "bitching and moaning" about the current state of the country I live in and the world around me. This has always been a part of my blog, but I'd like to take these ideas to a new level of interest and excitement.

2. Experimental music exploration: Detailing my "journey" (yeah, yeah, yeah...I know it's a cheezy and an extremely overused term, but I don't have any better words that come in mind) through the "adventures of modern music," as the British magazine The Wire proudly endorses. Writing in the style of a music review, I'd like to document artists that continue to fascinate me and adventurous music.

3. My Artistic Recovery: Documenting revelations encountered while walking through the artistic recovery process, by way of the incredible and thought-provoking book, The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron. More to come on this in future blog entries.

All in all, I anticpate increased blogging activity on my part over the course of the next several weeks, ultimately culminating in a new blog address and design. So, stay tuned (and THIS TIME, I MEAN IT.)

1 comment:

Kern said...

Kudos, my man. I think that by examining what didn't work about the blog for you, in this case, a lack of direction, you were able to figure out what you do want out of it, and that's the biggest step.

I like the idea of classifying the "articles". That's kind of what I do at Listen, Listen... and it really helps me feel like there is a consistency which helps keep things moving along. I find that the most successful blogs are the ones where the reader knows what to expect from you, the blogger, and what will make them return.

Way to step up yr game, my friend. Even if you don't do it every single day(even I get burnt out from all this late night shit), the best way to keep doing it, is to keep doing it. If you put in the work, it will be easier than you think to stay on top of it.

Anyway, glad to see some new stuff up. Now turn this MF out!