With that in mind, I decided to stick to one blog, which covers whatever the fuck I want to write about, which translates to "everything." Ultimately, I like the name Bring D.A. Noise, but would prefer to switch blogging platforms. I prefer WordPress, but need to read up on web design and other blog accessories in order to maximize my blogging capabilities. Therefore, Bring D.A. Noise is getting a makeover. This makeover is going to take time....A LOT of time, especially since I am such a novice as far as web design is concerned.
So, here's the plan. My first line of attack is to take a look back at my previous experiences in blogging (Disciplinarian Actions from Blogger & last WordPress blog, Live Journal, occasional posts on MySpace blog) and incorporate the ones I thought were okay here. After that, I intend on switching the Isolationist Noise domain name over to something else, incorporating WordPress into the equation. The next thing is to import the chosen entries from here to the new WordPress domain (to be determined.) During these aforementioned actions, I intend on researching and developing a better understanding of how everything in WordPress works. When all of this is done, I want to overhaul the design of Bring D.A. Noise to make it uniquely me (sounds totally cheesy, huh? I think so.)
These things (like everything else) take time. So, bear with me during this transitional period, as I work to make my blogging experience more enjoyable (as well as more interesting.) But, have no fear. My blogging will continue during this time, but may be scaled back a bit. (I can just hear Kern scratching his head at that comment.) Lately, I've been finding Bring D.A. Noise a little bit (okay, A LOT) drab for my taste, which may be keeping people away. I just want to make D.A. Noise more exciting, that's all.
So, enough blathering about this blog. I'd like to now briefly switch the focus to my life right now. Truthfully speaking, my mind and my gut strongly believe that my life sucks the big one. My heart feels really crummy right now. I thought that this vacation would make me feel better when I return. However, ever since I've come back from my wonderful experience in New Mexico (despite Jessica's family getting sick), I think that I feel worse. What the fuck is my problem? I have no idea. The thick haze of funkiness just seems to stay put, becoming more indestructible along the way. Is this all in my head? Is my life really sucky like almost every other body part seems to believe? Who knows?

Yesterday, I thought that I would take the No. 1 Metro Bus over to Easy Street in Queen Anne to purchase the new Peaches record, hoping that may make me feel better. Well, the opposite happened. The bus was over 10 minutes late, then, sat through three consecutive green lights on 3rd and Pike waiting for the 13 to move, even though he could have gone around the 13. So, in total, by the time I got to Queen Anne, approximately 25 minutes of my lunch had already elapsed. Fortunately, I caught a bus going back right away. Anyway, I return back to the office to insert the new disc into computer. Yes, I do believe that Impeach My Bush is the ultimate party record of the summer. Did it ultimately make me feel better? Uhhh...no, not really. Again, what the fuck is my problem? Again, I respond, who knows.

Impeach My Bush - Party Record of the Summer
What I do know is this: I'm seriously contemplating some significant changes to how I'm living my life as it exists today. At this point, I refuse to divulge any hints or disclose any ideas as to what may be in store for me right now. I'm not ready to discuss it, since these ideas are currently on the drawing board envisioned in my skull at this present time. But, when I'm ready to come out (again), you'll hear it first, right here at Bring D.A. Noise.
I'm nearly reaching the breaking point where I want to raise my hands in the air (with an imagined movie camera panning away from me and twirling around in circles) and exclaim to the clouds above "ENOUGH." Setting ridiculously melodramatic statements aside, have you ever reached a point where you can't take the drudgery of your dull and seemingly lifeless existence any more, to the point where you finally have to say enough is enough? That's me, right here, right now. In the past, I'd attempt to conjure the necessary steps to making myself feel better, but then, things don't change. Most often, I feel even worse. But, change is much needed for me right now. Also, the drive and desire to improve the situations in my life is also much needed right now.
There is no time like the present to make change happen. Like I always say, stay tuned.
**D.A.'s Note: I changed my mind. I will give one hint and one hint only with respect to change: NO, I am not going to become a born-again Christian, and NOT joining an Ex-Gay Ministry, either. So, you can wipe the sweat off your forehead now and sigh in relief. I PROMISE! That's all. Thanks for reading and drive safely.
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