Saturday, July 01, 2006

Vacation Time at Last

So, unbelievably, we are already at the mid-year point of 2006. Gosh golly, the end of June came too quickly for me. You know what this means??? Two words - NEW MEXICO. NEW MEXICO? You ask. Well, the answer is simple. I'm going on vacation. Believe it or not, I am going on vacation this Saturday when I fly the friendly skies (no, I'm not flying on Northwest Airlines...sorry Mom!) to New Mexico, Albuquerque, to be exact, to visit my dear friend Jessica.

Jessica & I in front of Gum Wall in Pike Place Market
October 2005

While I am on vacation, I PROMISE (SOLEMNLY SWEAR) that I will write while I am sweating it out like a bareback pig bottom fresh out of Basic Plumbing (seriously, though, NOT REALLY) in beautiful Albuquerque. That's a promise I am determined to keep. Again, as always, stay tuned.


Kern said...

By God, if we don't see some writing out of you, I am going to demand my Goddamn quarter back.

On another note, Neko gave perhaps the most moving vocal performance I've seen in my entire life this evening. Truly inspiring stuff. And she was hot.

Anonymous said...

I'll second the quarter retraction motion...

I'm watching...

Hope you're having a great vacation! :)

Isolationist said...

Oh, I must have forgot to mention this small little detail....NO REFUNDS! LOL

The vacation is going wonderfully. Too bad it can't last forever.

Kern said...

Yes, the Vacationer's lament...

By the way, I think this is the most you've ever blogged in one week now that I think of it. Does it only work when you're out of state, or can this kind of prolificacy happen within the borders of Washington state as well?

/I kid, I kid...