Friday, December 23, 2005

Distractions galore

Let's face it. I am lazy. No, actually, I have been preoccupied of late. Lots going on right now. Between (1) monotonous busy work at the workplace, (2) frozen ass cheeks at home, and (3) the recent purchase of an iPod, I've not been in the blogging frame of mind.

(1) is the result of continuous tedium. (2) is the result of my slumlords' (ooops, I mean, landlords) inability to effectively be....landlords. (3) has resulted in the nearly endless and arduous task of picking and choosing songs within its 30GB hard drive. I am a fool to think that I am going to get absolutely everything on this thing. I could have purchased the 60GB, but I didn't want to spend the extra $100. Meanwhile, more about (2).

Our slumlords (as we affectionately call them) failed to address our requests to fix the furnace so we were freezing our asses off. Because of this (and my roommate's need to cut expenses, and understandably so), we gave the bastards 20 days notice of our departure from the house. Our notice was greeted with annoying text messages, claiming we needed to give them 30 days. That, my friends, is incorrect. Besides, we are not on a lease so we are not breaking one, and even if we were, we are justified to break the non-existent lease due to this mere fact: WE HAD NO FUCKING HEAT. But, finally, the furnace was fixed this afternoon. The stupid thing is that it turned out to be the fact that when some electricians came out to re-wire the thermostat, they forgot to plug the thing back in. **this is where author smacks forehead with his open hand, emulating Homer Simpson**


Un-fracking-believable, if you ask me.

On the bright side of things, though, we got approved for a new apartment in Capital Hill. I am relieved at the prospect of being back in the city and closer to everything. The best part is that we no longer have to take any bloody 7 or the ghetto 106 bus routes. No more dealing Tupac-wannabes rapping out loud, cat fights between Asian women walking with canes, endless streams of people not knowing what a fucking Express bus is, bewildered drunks taking 15 minutes to fish out $1.25 from the paper cup they used to collect from in front of Nordstroms Rack, the list goes on.... I am a "get me from A to B at my pace, not someone else's" kinda guy, who greatly prefers to walk everywhere at every opportunity. Plus, cheaper rent is always good.

Anyway, this blog has been neglected for far too long. Besides, I have year-end discussions to post here anyway. For the time being, I am posting to Blogger until I can get Disciplinarian Actions back up and running again (hopefully, with a new design). I also plan to use Blogger as an archive of old blog posts. So, in the meantime, I hope that the 2 of you, my dear devoted readers (2 is probably stretching it), stay tuned. For now, I will leave you with a photo from the disc of photos my best friend Jessica finally sent me. Enjoy.

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