Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Moussaoui LIVES (For Now)

The verdict in the Moussaoui trial came in this afternoon: LIFE in prison. After the verdict, the LCD (lowest common denominator) of humanity gleefully left the courtroom, proclaiming that "America has lost! I won!" Ummm, excuse me, if you call spending the rest of your natural born life in prison a "WIN," then there must be something wrong. At this point, I'd rather see him rot in prison for his complete disregard for the 3,000 plus humans that lost their lives on that dreadful day and for the millions who survived and are still living. Most likely, these people are going to be out enjoying the rays of the warm May sun, sitting down for dinner with their families, going to rock concerts, and the many other activities and freedoms that us Americans get to enjoy. On the other hand, the "Moussaoui Messiah" gets to eat prison food, watch his back for other prisoners (most likely Americans themselves) that want to break his face and kill him, and possibly peruse the prison's library, burying himself in law books and educating himself on how to appeal his sentence (as his own attorney.) Sounds like shit loads of fun. I'm extremely jealous of him. Ummmm.....not really.

Is he the Real Winner???


NoRib said...

Definitely an interesting entry. In that field, I believe there are truly no winners or losers. However it does restore some faith in our system where for a series of events which are so emotionally charged...a jury would return a verdict they felt was proper according to law and not their emotions. I just agree with you here..there are no "winners"..and no "losers"...

Kern said...

Well, it could be worse. He could be sentenced to life making notebooks on extremely short notice...

Isolationist said...

Thanks, Kern, for making my life seem so special.